Siddhars are saints in India, mostly of the Saivaite denomination in Tamil Nadu, who professed and practised an unorthodox type of Sadhana, or spiritual practice, to attain liberation. Yogic powers called Siddhis are acquired by constant practice of certain yogic disciplines. Those who acquire these Siddhis are called Siddhas.
Who is a Siddha?
A siddha is one who has attained siddhi, i.e. "power, prowess, strength, ability", then a special kind of psychic and supernatural, miraculous, occult power.
There are eight kinds of super natural powers called as "Ashtama Siddhis":
Anima (shrinking) -- Power of becoming the size of an atom and entering the smallest beings.
Mahima (illimitability) -- Power of becoming mighty and co-extensive with the universe. The power of increasing one's size without limit.
Lagima (lightness) -- Capacity to be quite light though big in size.
Garima (weight) -- Capacity to weigh heavy, though seemingly small size.
Prapthi (fulfillment of desires) -- Capacity to enter all the worlds from Brahma Loga to the neither world. It is the power of attaining everything desired.
Prakasysm (irresistible will) -- Power of disembodying and entering into other bodies (metempsychosis) and going to heaven and enjoying what everyone aspires for, simply from where he stays.
Isithavam (supremacy) -- Have the creative power of God and control over the Sun, the moon and the elements and
Vasithavam (dominion over the elements) -- Power of control over King and Gods. The power of changing the course of nature and assuming any form.
There are 18 siddhars in the tamil siddha tradition. Each of the siddhars had lived in varied places under different names. The following are most common names of the 18 siddhars.(Click on each links to learn more about them)
Agastiar | Kudambai |
Pathanjali | Dhanvanthri |
Bogar | Sundaranaar |
Paambatti | Karoovorar |
Nandi Devar | Machamuni |
Thirumoolar | Vanmeegar |
Korakkar | Konkanar |
Edai Kadar | Satamuni |
Kamala Muni | Rama Devar |
Guru Sloka
Guru Brahma, Guru Vishnu, Guru Devo Maheshwara. Guru Sakshath Parambrahma, Tasmai Shri Gurave Namaha.
Famous Guru's
Sayings About Guru
In the presence of the satguru; Knowledge flourishes (Gyana raksha); Sorrow diminishes (Dukha kshaya); Joy wells up without any reason (Sukha aavirbhava); Abundance dawns (Samriddhi); All talents manifest (Sarva samvardhan).
Guru is Shiva without his three eyes,
Vishnu without his four arms
Brahma without his four heads.
He is parama Shiva himself in human form